Welcome to David Block's Website

Professor David Block is an astronomer and sought-after speaker on matters relating to astronomy as well as the Science/Faith dichotomy. He has devoted over 40 years to encouraging audiences around the globe always to “Look Up!” He speaks from the heart, sharing in-depth lessons from his world of research. Professor Block was elected a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society of London at the age of 19. His first research paper, on relativistic astrophysics, was published when he was 20 years old, in London, by the Royal Astronomical Society. He has been a visiting research astronomer at the Australian National University (ANU), the European Southern Observatory in Germany, the California Institute of Technology, the Institute for Astronomy in Hawaii, and Harvard University, amongst others. Professor Block has published over 100 astronomy peer reviewed journal articles and his research has twice been featured on the cover of the journal Nature.

Until the end of 2019, David Block served as a professor in the School of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. He is now an Emeritus Professor.

Professor Block has received many awards and acknowledgments: these include the NSTF-BHP Billiton Award recognizing him as one of South Africa’s foremost communicators in Science. He received the University of the Witwatersrand's highest research accolade: the Vice-Chancellor’s Research Award.

Dr Block is the Director of Reasons to Believe Africa, a ministry which attempts to show how scientific research and clear thinking consistently affirm the truth of the Bible and of the Good News it reveals.

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Professor David Block astronomer south africa Professor David Block research astronomer south africa


David Block Exploring God and Science

Exploring God and Science – presentations

Our Universe: Accident or Design?
In this talk, Professor David Block tackles one of the most profound questions in science: how did the universe come to be?
The answer to this question is a mystery that has eluded scientists for centuries. But is there indeed evidence that suggests the universe was not formed by accident but rather designed?
This incredible talk is both a visual and an intellectual feast. Many who have attended it agree that Professor Block unlocked mysteries of the universe that left them spellbound in awe.

Read more about God and the astronomer: presentations

Business, School & University presentations

The Power of Vision - "Prof Block's presentation was the crescendo of our conference which attracted around 1200 attendees. His unique ability to help people understand how their potential is reflected in the stars is enlightening. The standing ovation he received was well deserved".
"David Block is to South Africa what Carl Sagan was to American astronomy – his pioneering discoveries are reshaping astronomical paradigms, and his imprint on human culture is a legacy to all South Africans as you build your future in the technological 21st century."

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